Homeopathy Tips for 8/04/09 Starting Your Homeopathic Business

     After all of the training and work to become a homeopath, the next step is creating your business. This is different for every country and state because of local, regional and national laws. But the hurdles of transitioning from a student to a practitioner can be daunting. Even if you have been a practitioner for some time it can be a struggle to keep your business going especially in these difficult economic times. Here are a few ways to help you with your success.

     First of all, Be Yourself.  Be authentic in all of your dealings with people. To have success in homeopathy or any other endeavour in life we must be ourselves. No one will trust a person they feel is not authentic. This is especially true for someone seeking homeopathic care. Trust is the foundation of  the relationship to your client. So from the very beginning always be yourself.

     Have Confidence in Yourself. This will be very apparent if you do not. I have found that the greatest hurdle for new students is having confidence. This is primarily because of not having had enough experience or proper training. It is one thing to pass a test and receive a title, it is quite another to have seen and worked on hundreds of cases before ever opening the doors to clients. Be sure to get the best training and not just an education. Passing a test is easy. Sitting before clients and being a homeopath is something else entirely. When you have done this many times you will have the confidence in yourself to do the right thing.

     Get Involved in your Community. One of the best ways to do this is to offer a free or very low cost seminar in your community. Be sure to invite other practitioners and everyone you know. Get the word out. This will be your very best way to establish yourself as a homeopath. If you have an established business it is a very good way to regenerate interest in homeopathy again. Give an introductory talk about homeopathy. This may sound difficult to some. But you will need to be able to explain what homeopathy is, in your own words, to anyone who asks. If you cannot do this you will not be projecting confidence to your prospective clients. They need to know that you know. Be an expert in your community.

     You can also offer a short introduction to remedies that are common and useful in most acute illness’. These are the remedies that are available in local health food stores. When you teach them a little about this they will be more inclinded to come to you when they really need help. Remember education is at least half of what a homeopath will do with their clients.

      The subject of money comes up in every business. Most homeopaths are wanting to help their clients and do not view their work as a business. One of the biggest hurdles for new homeopaths is asking for money. Money is an energetic exchange unit. For your services people are willing to pay. They need to for their own healing. Charging for the work you do is fundamental to your success. It is also fundamental to your clients healing. They need to pay something for the work you do for it to have a better perceived value.

     Not all clients can afford your services. Charge what is appropriate for your client. You can implement a sliding scale, or payment plan or simply offer a discount to your client.  Doing this shows that money is not your main concern but that you still value yourself enough to charge, There will always be times that you can offer your services pro bono, without charging, but I have found that in the end the client never gets all of the benefits I expect them to receive.

      Provide a safe place for your client to come to. This does not necessarily mean a beautiful, comfortable office that is decorated in the latest fashion. This can be helpful in very affluent areas, but is not necessary. Safety is more important than fashion. You client will perceive this. Spending less on rental of an office is much better on your pocketbook than having the latest greatest office. It is useful to sometimes align yourself with other practitioners. They can be a good source for referrals; but be very careful.  Many people in alternative healing are considered new agers or whacko by some standards. Homeopathy does not fall into this category if you represent yourself as a professional. This is a medical healing science and art, not a new age -latest greatest- healing- mumbo jumbo. Be Professional. 

     Advertising can be very tricky. Unless you have a lot of money to spend don’t even waste a dime on it. I have found that the very best advertising is word of mouth. Do good homeopathy, help others and your business will grow. Spending lots of money on advertising will be the hard way to get established. Advertising works only when you saturate the market with your message. This takes money that most homeopaths, just starting out, do not have. A better way is to offer a discount to those clients who are bringing you new clients through referrals. This encourages them to return to you and brings new clients to your door. Be careful not to give too much away or you may dilute the benefit of the discount.

       Remember, the selling of your services as a homeopath is a business. It must be treated as such.  Hopefully this will help many of you who may be struggling with your business. Be a part of your community. Do good homeopathy and be responsible. Have confidence in youself and above all    BE YOURSELF. Nothing will be more attractive to your clients than this. It will do more for your business than anything else. Good luck.



21 comments so far

  1. k.gopalan on

    marrvelous advice to beginners

  2. Rhonda on


    Amen! The information is so benefitial to students graduating from Homeopathic schools. So many of us get out there way over our heads before we even start. If we just step back and see that a practice is a growing process just like our education in homeopathy. I think there would be more homeopaths. It’s not ease being a business owner but it is worth its weight in gold when you see clients getting well. Especially the ones that have almost given up hope.

  3. zareen on

    thanks alot 4 good advises and opnions

  4. mah-jabeen on

    Robert, thanks a lot this marveles information . I want registration in further education in homeopathic plz help me thanks again.

  5. Dr.Rubina Altaf on

    thanks for giving important tips for freshers

  6. Dr.johnsy rani solaraja. .kulitalai on

    the very good information are providing in homeopathy medicine thanks

  7. Yulia Cherniakov on

    Thank you, Robert
    It’s good to hear all this points once again, even if we know then

  8. dr asif s syed on

    its a sincere and practical advice

  9. Anindya Das on

    Thanks for helpful advices.
    I do not know colloquial uses in English because my mother language is Bengali.Please simply explain what do you mean by ‘be yourself’.

    Hi Anindya,
    Be youself, means to act from integrity and confidence, but be relaxed. Do not be pretentious or arrogant in our dealings to cover up any inadequacies or lack of confidence. Be real with all of your dealings with people. Smile genuinly and be happy. Do not overly sympathize but come from a place of empathy. Too much compassion will not be a healthy relationship to your client. Act responsibly as a homeopath but do not put yourself on a pedistal because you are responsible with someones health. Being able to say “I don’t know” is a good thing if you do not know. Don’t try to be somebody else. In other words, simply be yourself.
    Thanks for asking about the clarification,

  10. Dr.Liaquat Ali chowdhury on

    Folk Dr.Rubin, I am Pharmaceutical Scientist Cum Homoeopathy Doctor of Bangladesh. Have been serving 29 yrs in Govt.job under the Ministry of Health. My 1st introduction to do e.mail communication with u. Hopefull to extent hand to make professional friendship in the future.No more today.
    follow up later after ur acceptence cordially if u free to send feed back.
    Thanks. Dr. Liaquat B.Pharma.M.Pharm.(DU),DHMS.

  11. Dr.Liaquat Ali chowdhury on

    Folk Dr Mah-jabeen, I am Pharmaceutical Scientist cum Homoeopathy Doctor of bangladesh. Have been serving 29 yrs. in the Govt.job. I want to developed intervation of practice with u and e.mail crosspondence friendship soon. No more today. Look forward for ur acceptance.
    Dr. Liaquat Ali chowdhury.
    B.pharma.M.Pharm.(DU), DHMS.

  12. dr aaishah on

    a very useful advise for the practioner to get started in the locality.
    thanks robert.

  13. Dr. Pravin Pandya on

    its very useful information for beginners ,heartly thanks for excellent advise.

  14. Dr M AzizurRahman on

    Thanks for very timely and suitable suggestion for the begainers like me after serving in the Agril Res. I would like to know the use of Homeopath in Agriculture. Pl let me know the ways. Very many thaks. Dr M Azizur Rahman, altenative Health Care Center, Gazipur

  15. Dr.Aradhana Srivastava on

    Dear Robert,
    I practice in an sub-urban area in maharashtra India,
    where people are taking Allopathy for all there ailments since years,I’ve got an Allopath whom people in this area worship like god,my clinic is just opposite to him,the inflow of patients at my clinic is very slow.Iam looking forward for ur kind suggesstion??? please HELP..

  16. Dr.R.Saravanan. on

    Thanks for the useful tips about starting a Homeopathic practice.

  17. Sivaprakasam on

    It’s a very good information for new homeopaths

  18. Hiral on

    thanx for the good advice.

  19. Dr.Abhayankar Ojha on

    Thank you for your focus on all types of inevitable difficulties arising mostly for a beginner and also for most homoeopaths who are not that much successful.
    But one thing I want to mention here that any way just grabbing success someway or the other should in any way be our goal.I have seen most eminent doctors with a huge practice and reputation often prescribing multiple drugs at a time.Is it homoeopathy?
    I feel despite their good practice and reputation they are actually suffering from lack of confidence within themselves with utterly dishonest and treacherous to Samuel Hahnnemann and Homeopathy.
    So my little and humble submission to all who are in this profession should be sticking to Labour and Honesty despite all odds.And I am sure they will get the grace of Hahnnemann.

  20. irfansarwar on

    Hello, Can someone help me decide how I register Homeopathy practice in USA – as S corporation, C corporation or LLC? Irfan1@hotmail.com

  21. Aparna on

    Very well said. Thanks.

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