Homeopathy Tips for 1/18/11 The Importance of Community

Every profession has  groups that share with other professionals of their field. Thankfully homeopathy does too. But I find that with as many subscribers as we have to this newsletter, few people actually leave a comment at the end.This surprises me. I know that the content and subject matter is chosen for you, but there are many ideas that could be shared. They are all welcome.

I very much appreciate the comments of thanks and gratitude that many of you leave. But I appreciate even more those of you who contribute to the dialogue and discussion. This newsletter is a forum of Resonance School of Homeopathy and is for the purpose of sharing information and creating community.

Homeopathy has a very long history of sharing. The early Repertories and Materia Medicas were not developed in a vacuum. There were study groups and society meetings that shared with each other. The speed with which this took was very slow compared to today’s ultra fast internet. Not only was information shared about remedies and philosophy but also about where the profession was going. There was an equal amount of political attack on homeopathy during Hahnemann’s time and later in the 1920’s as there is now.

Hahnemann persevered, had a few followers and survived through his determination and conviction of his medical art. Today we have a medical profession that may slowly be waking up to energetic medicine, but the political power of the drug companies is so strong they have influenced the direction of modern medicine. Medical schools now teach drug based medicine and research rarely goes to energetic medicine. Homeopathy becomes easily debunked based on the materialistic view. Without support of medical insurance many people simply can not afford to pay for their treatments so Homeopathy is not encouraged.

When the political attacks occur against homeopathy it is necessary to have a response. Many are based on outright lies and misinformation. As a profession we need to stay together. There is great power in numbers but our numbers are still small compared to western medicine. Truth speaks loudly and if we can continue to share with each other and the world we can continue to make a difference.

Each of us has something to share and learn. It is an innate quality of humans to form opinions and ideas when we are exposed to information. As homeopaths we are expected to be unprejudiced. This gives us an open door to share our ideas and ask questions. The little tidbits of information we learn along the way can sometimes be just what someone is needing to hear. The universe does work in mysterious ways.

So please take a minute to leave a comment when you read the newsletter. This is an opportunity to share and and create community. We need to stay together. We may not always agree; this is okay. But for our profession to survive and flourish we need to continue creating community.

Homeopathy is worth the energy we give it.  As J.T. Kent said, “If you love homeopathy, it will love you. Such is natural charity.”

35 comments so far

  1. Sarah on

    Yesterday, I learned that a otherwise healthy friend is considering radical surgery (removal of breasts and hysterectomy) at a young age because she has a gene that makes her 30% more susceptible to this type of cancer! This is the ‘medical’ advice she got! It’s the Dark Ages!

    • michelle on

      I wonder what the cancer will take if it doesn’t have her breasts and uterus to take.
      Sorry to hear this. It is true that sometimes more information is not better.

    • Robert Field on


      A study was done on identical twins who at birth had identical genes. After a period of time I am unsure of, maybe 30 years, their genes were very different. Even though they looked similar and had much in common they evolved differently through life. They became a reflection of the challenges and decisions made along the way as well as influences from environmental factors. Even though we have a genetic print or miasm it is not for sure that we would express dis-ease in a predicted way. The surgery is very radical and would be suppressive of a fear she either has or has been planted in her by the allopathic doctors. The choice is hers, but in my humble opinion, should she do this surgery, it would be a very big mistake.


  2. Surya Prakash C N on

    All the articles appeared are most usefull for the regular practitioner so also to the homeo enthusiasist. Somehow an article on the symptoms and treatments of piles and fistula of various type is yet to appear on this for which I eagerly waiting with my colleages. Hope the next article will be on this subject and the subsequent issues will also as a follow up

    thanking you sir,

    surya prakash c n

    • Robert Field on

      Hello Surya,

      Look for the article you have been wanting and patiently waiting for next week.


  3. syed husain on

    Although it is period of modern medicine but people are moving
    towards Homeopathy as people are wrongly guided in that pathy.
    You should carry your work.

  4. Zille Subhani on

    The importance of Comunity is really an important message to all of us. In this electronics era we can make much more effective group of homeopaths.

  5. Sibghat Aziz on

    sir, I m a new student of homeopathic, please if u suggest me how to examine a medicine from huge materia medica & how to select perfect remedy for a disease..? Thanks

  6. suresh harvu on

    I totally agree that homeopathy has to be taken to the world in huge numbers. We all need to tell others at every available opportunity that we are pursuing Homeopathy and the results are fantabulous.

    Robert, we are with you and we will do our part.

  7. KPV on

    Sorry for not leaving a comment often. We really benefit form the news letter and are thankful to you .

  8. Dilip Patra, on

    Yes, Robert, I totally agree with you. Unity is strength. so, it is high time a clarion call is given to all the homeopaths of the world to unite. And, what a great platform it is given from. I sincerely wish, the Resonance School of Homeopathy to be the harbinger of unity among the global homeopaths.IN these days of Computers and Internet, it is not at all a big deal.
    However, as per the principle of Homeopathy ” Similia similibus cureaunter “, to give a befitting reply to the political power of the drug companies, all the big homeopathic houses of the world have to come to a single platform with equal moral strength so as to counter the deadly designs of the drug companies. Secondly, since homeopathy is also an art, all the amature homeopaths need to be given recognition, because it is their sincere interest in the subject that is keeping the light kindled in the heart of the masses, and again the big Homeopathic houses should come forward for the just cause in a big way. Rightly, the Great Buddha said, SANGHAM SARANAM GACHHAMI, Come to the folds of Unity. Dilip Patra .18.1.2011

  9. Dr.A.H.Nasir on

    Dear Robert, your positive thinking for the worldwide homoeopaths is appreciateable.As a homoeopath I must thankyou and I do agree with you that we can compete with drug companies with our unity and help each other. The forum provided by you is the best way to keep us together. We can share our expereance with in our homoeopathic family which will base to promote the homoeopathy.Thankyou for your efforts.

  10. michelle on

    I was just thinking the other day that in India the idea that homeopathy doesn’t work would be laughable. The government funds it including the education. There are over 160 homeopathic colleges.
    I am studying under a professor who is, first and foremost, a classical homeopathic practitioner. He sees 120-150 patients per day- some in gov’t clinic and some privately. I asked why the system at the gov’t hospital is set up for him to have to take so many patients every day. He replied that the people coming into the clinic can ask for any doctor they want and the doctor has to see them. His case load is a result success as a practitioner (90-92% cure rate). Obviously the protests in England are irrelevant this doctor’s patients.
    May we all meet with such success that it won’t matter what anyone in the allopathic thinks or says.

  11. H. Dr Muhammad Ayub Khan on

    Dear Sir,
    With honour and great respect for your positive thinking for the worldwide homoeopaths and it is really appreciatable. As a homoeopath I do agree with you that we can compete with drug companies interm of each field with good stands of our unity,help each other by sharing experience behaviors provided that hesitation which is prevailing in the Hom.Drs be addressed to gain him confidence upto an extent with which he could able to treate the community in the light of Hahnemann perservations regarding the philosophy of homeopathy… We can share our expereance with in our homoeopathic family with open mind.One thing which I noted that few Homeo Paths of curren lot do not generate thier prescription to patients through which patient gains positive view for his Doctor.Likewise selectin of medcine;choosing many remedies instead of single. Oftenly it is noted that majority of H.Drs are found with lack of basic knowledge of medical subjects and latest exploration of Materia Madica in general and diagnostic methods those provide him provocal base to promote the homoeopathy and baises the practioner’s work in the community.
    Thanking you for your efforts for providing us a forum; the best way to keep us together.

  12. Sharon on

    Yes, let us be inspired by Hahnemann’s courage to stand by what he knew to be the truth! It is because he never gave up and remained open, vocal and above board that we have the foundation for homeopathy that we all draw upon now. Speaking out can be daunting, especially when one feels alone. But the fact is that we are not alone, we are a coherent group. And we are not at war with the pharmaceutical companies even if they are trying to declare war. This is because money and manipulation are their tools, but they are not the tools of the true healing arts. As you say, the truth carries much power, and it just needs enough people having the courage to speak and uphold the truth, regardless of where politics are steering. I feel this is the challenge facing humans in all walks of life right now, and in all the details of our daily existence. Only by living each moment with integrity can we make a difference on a large scale. So yes, let’s share and speak out more….thankyou for the nudge Robert. Keeping the contact alive, sharing and growing, increases the energy of any group, and makes it more forceful. Let’s do it for the world now and for the future generations that inherit what we create today.

  13. Sheila Muldaur on

    Here is a link to a video developed by The Homeopathy Action Trust. This group was formed by 70 homeopaths from around the world who came together in the fall of 2010 to work together to preserve homeopathy as a healing art around the world. The group invites homeopaths and others to join and help manifest the vision. Please enjoy!

    • lachowdhury56@yahoo.com on

      Why i am getting you tube facilities.

      • lachowdhury56@yahoo.com on

        If resonance school of homeopath, or world press. send again in the e.mail of 1/18/2011. importance of community topic again instant in my e.mail:-lachowdhury56@ yahoo.com, I hope it will penetrate to my Inbox then it will be automatically save.

    • Dr. Liaquat Ali chowdhury on


      The requested URL could not be retrieved


      The following error was encountered:
      • Connection Failed

      The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again

    • Dr. Liaquat Ali chowdhury on

      Attention to Dr. Sheila Muldaur.
      Thanks for ur sub:- importance of homeopathy views held on 1/18/2011 @ included U tube for the display chapters for enjoyed lots of songs etc, Un fortunely i could not save it in my computer due time for which i can not see it now. pls, it would be highly appreciatble if u sendback to me again in my e.mail.lachowdhury56@yahoo.com
      Thanks. Dr. Liaquat. dhaka, bangladesh.

  14. Amulya Kumar Mishra on

    There are communities for all kinds of professionals and the community which is well organised is successful.So let us organise the Homoeopathic communities yo achieve our goal.

  15. Tammy Johnson on

    I thoroughly enjoy your newsletter. As a new student, I feel somewhat shy about joining in on the conversation. I feel I am mostly in the absorbing stage! Everything I am learning is much appreciated though!

  16. Dr. Meena Supnekar on

    I think each and every homoeopath is just eager to joint such a movement. What most of the homoeopaths tend to do is to hide information. By hiding something we think that we will progress but by sharing it everyone else will progress and this progress will lead to fame of homoepathy and this will benefit each and every homooepath. So be open to everyone.

  17. Robert Lal on

    Hi !
    It is good to learn that you have felt that all the readers should express their opinion after going through the article. Homeo-path is much easier to walk on and it can work wonder if rightly administered. Keep writing and encouraging us!

  18. Dr. A.M Howlader,Dhaka, Bangladesh on

    Dear Dr. Robert,
    I regret my inability to leave a comment on every piece of your writing.Your piece on most subject are beneficial to us.I did request you to advice me what to do with Heel Pain. I have been suffering from pain in my both heels for last couple of months.I shall appreciate if any of our fellow hoemeopath leave any advice on my Heel Pain.
    Dr,A.M Howlader,Dhaka,Bangladesh.

    • Robert Field on

      Hello Dr.
      As you well know the homeopathic prescription is for the person and not the part. Here are 209 different remedies that may help heel pain. Without a case to work with and a story to describe you and your sufferings it would be difficult to recommend a single remedy.

      Extremities; PAIN; Feet; heels (209) : acan-pl., acon., act-sp., aeth., 4AGAR., agn., alco., alco-s., all-c., alum., 3Am-c., 4AM-M., ambr., 3Anac., anag., anan., androc., ang., ant-c., aran., arg., arg-n., 3Arn., 3Ars., ars-h., arund., aur., aur-ar., aur-m-n., bad., bamb-a., bapt., bar-c., bell., 3Berb., bism., bor., bos-s., bros-g., 4BRY., c-di-o., cadm., 3Calc., calc-caust., calc-p., calc-sil., cann-s., caps., 3Carb-an., carl., cast-eq., 3Caust., cedr., cham., 3Chel., chin., cic., 3Cimic., cina, cinnb., clem., cocc., 3Colch., 3Coloc., 3Con., crot-h., 3Cycl., cymbo-ci., dios., dros., eup-per., eup-pur., euph., euphr., eupi., fago., 3Ferr., 3Ferr-ar., ferr-ma., fl-ac., gink., 3Graph., haliae-lc., 3Harp., hell., hep., herin., hydrog., 3Ign., indg., iod., jatr., kali-ar., 3Kali-bi., kali-c., 3Kali-i., 3Kali-n., 3Kali-sil., kreos., lac-c., lac-d., lac-mat., lach., lap-laz., lat-h., laur., 4LED., leon., lith-c., lob-c., lob-s., lsd, 3Lyc., lyss., m-arct., m-art., 3Mag-c., mag-m., 3Manc., 3Mang., med., meny., meph., merc., merc-i-f., merl., meteo., mez., morg., mur-ac., myric., 3Nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., 4NAT-S., nat-sil., nicc., 3Nit-ac., nit-s-d., 2nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., ol-j., olnd., onc-t., osm., par., perla, 3Petr., ph-ac., 3Phos., phys., phyt., pitu-a., 3Plat., plb., plut-n., podo., polyg., polyst., por-m., ptel., 4PULS., ran-b., ran-s., raph., rheum, 4RHOD., 4RHUS-T., rhus-v., ros-b., ros-ca-a., ruta, 3Sabin., sang., 2sap-sod., sars., scroph-n., 4SEP., 3Sil., soph-m., 3Spong., 3Stann., staph., stram., stront-c., stry., sul-ac., 3Sulph., tart-ac., tax-br., tep., 3Ter., tet., teucr., 3Thuj., trom., turq., unc-t., upa., 3Valer., verat., 2verb., viol-t., vip., xan., 4ZINC., zinc-p., zing.

      Good luck,

  19. Dr.kh.Mahbubur Rahman on

    Dear Robert,

    I agree with your wiews whole heartedly.
    “We need to continue creating community”.

    Thank you once again,Robert.

    Dr.Kh.Mahbubur Rahman.

  20. ginni ghaziri on

    I will give you all a good laugh. I am a homeopath [only last 5 years] a yoga teacher and healing consultant. My husband is head of business support for one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world. you can imagine the discussions in our house. my daughter wrote her thesis on allopathic and complementary medicine and guess who won xx
    my eldest daughter is a cranial sacral osteopath and they all take homeopathy including my husband and his family. this is in Beirut a country where doctors reign supreme. so we are making a breakthrough. last year with flu scare 2 people at my husbands work-place apparently had the new flu. my husband asked me for help!
    Let’s keep it up we are getting there guys.

    • Naaz kazi on

      Hey Ginni,

      Nice to read about that.
      Its really great.


  21. C.Fernandes on

    Dear Dr.Robert,

    Can you suggest us homeopathic medication for osteoarthiritis.

    Please drop a line.



  22. Karen on

    I really am happy to see Robert’s blog!! He emphasizes healing the whole person, which is a new paradigm for most to grasp for one thing, but the real deal in real cure using Homeopathy, which in my opinion cannot be stressed enough. It is my personal and professional belief that the closer we keep to the laws of cure Hahnemann so skillfully laid down for us, the better our whole community will benefit as regards to gaining respect and integrity in this so profound a healing art. My life has been so touched by my homeopath who practiced very sound classical homeopathy on me that I consider my life saved. I went to his school and now am reaching out to help others. Thank you Robert for your dedication and vision.

    Warm regards,

    Karen D

  23. Peggy on

    Dear Robert,
    Thank you for yourdedication to homeopathy and than you for sharing FREE OF CHARGE you wisdom for not only your students but those of us who live all over the world. You are the true essence of what it means to be involved in the healing arts. Until this post it has never occurred to me to post any info as I am self taught in this field.
    I do have a question: What remedies might benefit a child awith sensory processing disorder? Sometimes she is over sensitive sometimes under and it can fluctuate by the minute. Thanks for any suggestions from your healing community.

  24. Naaz kazi on

    Dear, Robert

    I am really very sorry for not putting any comments after reading the articles. Your articles have been really very good and useful.
    I will surely make it a practice to put comments as well as dialogues.

    Thank you for all your efforts.

    Regards and best wishes


  25. Dr.Syed Mubashir Ahmad Shah on

    This is very good step shuld always continue

  26. Dr. Liaquat Ali chowdhury on

    Dear Fan,
    This is humble request to authority to the resonance school of homeopathy.com option or Sheila Muldaur on January 18, 2011 or world press.com who sent the documentations to my e. mail(lachowdhury56@yahoo.com) in time which is deleted from inbox accidently for which i can not see the documentations @ you tube. As a member of the such net” tips othe important of homeopathy community headed by 70 nos. world homeopathy held on 1/18/2011. comments topic of Sheila Muldaur section is not vissible now. It will highly appreciatble if repeat it instant again @ penetrated in my Inbox again i will see it again. This is last request of a homeopathy doctor of Asia. Thanks with regard.
    Dr. Liaquat Ali chowdhury.
    B. harm.M.Pharm.DHMS.

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